Sunday, May 26, 2013

Doctor Who Pictures

□ Adolf Hitler 08/27/11(Sat)15:09 No.180296760 File1314472142-ipa-f127 KB, 534x800, 2011-0ak-comer-cupboard.jpg) Guys? Hello? I'm still in here,funny pictures,doctor-who,autofunny pictures,doctor-who,autoThe Doctor does love a shop DALEKS Because dying at the wheels of a horrible 1970's looking salt shaker is REALLY honorable. DELETE ALLOMS-Y THE ANGELS CO/VIE AI.ONG EXTERMINATE! its B,fER THE INSIDE u1 worp!! ■ ■ RIPT APPAREL 1 shift • 24 hours • 565 days nptapparel.comauto,toy story,trust me,medical,school,doctor-whoI SHOULD BUjYW TARDIS...,funny pictures,doctor-who,autofunny pictures,doctor-who,autofunny pictures,doctor-who,auto


  1. Doctor Who funnies are the best! With Doctor Who season 7 ending recently I have been a Doctor Who kind of mood so this was just perfect timing, thank you for posting! I have always thought Bond was a time-lord and now it has been confirmed. Also Boromir is 100% correct, no one can watch just one episode of Doctor Who.


  2. Ahhhhh! Yes!! I ♥♥ DW!!! :D I've probably said that before... about no on the gas mask stuff...
    And yes, I should be studying right now...oops :)
