Monday, January 14, 2013

A Quick Question

Just just had a quick couple  question!
What do you all enjoy reading?
What would you like to see more of?
Would you be interested in fan fictions?
I'd like your input :)


  1. 1: I love your funny posts about generally randoms things. Not sure what to call them but I think you know what I am trying to say.
    2: Continue with the posts you've been posting. I love your sense of humor! Your humor is so witty and a little twisted in a good way, my kind of humor. ;)
    3: I'm not extremely interested in most fan fiction in general, however I might read a fan Star Wars fan fiction.
    Hope this help. :)


  2. Of course I enjoy reading! My life seems over when I finish a good book. I'm totally aimless for a while! I'd like to see more funny pictures, I love them! Review on some star wars books would be nice and also your other fandoms, like right now I'm squealing about LOTR and the Hobbit. I agree with James. I don't read a lot of fan fiction, but if you post 'em I will read ;)
