Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Star Wars VII?

   I was assaulted by an army of mixed feelings when I learned about Star Wars VII (coming out in 2015). First: YAY!!! MORE STAR WARS! Then I remembered there will almost certainly be : No Mark Hamill. No Harrison Ford. No Carrie Fisher.
     Then I remembered the Prequels. Then I almost cried.
     This kind of feels like a book being turned into a movie. They take the original good thing and turn it in to something completely new and blasphemous. Just think, all the people who didn't watch to original trilogy will watch this new one and probably love it. Then when they go to watch the Originals they won't appreciate the magic and talent of it.
           Leia a Disney princess? Why don't we just put Han Solo in a pretty pink Tutu and sign him up for Miss America while we're at it?
         In the beginning SW was meant to be a "kids' show". Will Disney fail and make the whole franchise look childish and ridiculous? They'd better hope not. They'll have the force to deal with.

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